USA Holidays

JP Holidays

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

If you had to choose seven new wonders of the world, what would they be?

If you had to choose seven wonders of the world from the monuments that still exist in the world today, what would they be? Here are my choices.

1.) The Great Pyramids of Giza - Cairo, Egypt
2.) Tehotihuacan - Mexico
3.) The Taj Mahal - Delhi, India
4.) Notre Dame Cathedral - Paris, France
5.) The Forbidden City - Beijing, China
6.) Palenque - Guatemala
7.) Stonehenge - Essex, England

Answer :
The Pyramids would be the one I choose. How can a culture of people make something so beautiful, so perfect and well preserve for us to see brings me to tears. Each brick built on the backs of slaves, hallow tombs to trick the thieves, trap doors, stories, lessons, history, mystery all in one and all of this in a dessert!

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